Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day Planner and Running Log

 I love writing things in tiny boxes. It's one of the characteristics that misled me into thinking I wanted to be an accountant. I have several different calendars that I take time to update and plan my days with. I don't always remember to check them, but I love writing in them. I've also been trying to plan out my half-marathon training, since I recently had to account for an IT band injury, and decided I should combine my day planner and running log. I designed the weekly layout in Photoshop and printed on Mohawk Superfine paper in my printer, covered binder's board with one of my hand-dyed fabrics, and bound everything together with a Coptic stitch. So far I'm in love with it. I almost wish I had more to do so that I would have more to write in the boxes. Almost!

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