Monday, July 25, 2011

Bright Lights: Felted Fun Indeed!

Two weeks ago I taught my first Bright Lights class, "Felted Fun: Transforming Wool Into Fabric." To be perfectly honest, I was severely dreading teaching this class the few days before it started. Not only have I been spoiled by getting to arrange my own schedule every day and not having to be ANYWHERE by 8:30 in the morning, but thinking about having 17 post 3rd- through 5th-graders rely on me and having to make a sometimes monotonous activity super fun for 3 hours each day for an entire week was a bit overwhelming.

But I was very lucky. I had two AMAZING assistants to help during the class. I used a colleague's suggestion of teaching Kumihimo on the first day so that kids would have an activity to fall back on if they got bored, and most students probably would have been happy to work on this the entire time. Best of all, they didn't think anything was monotonous! Maybe a few students were bored with rolling nuno felt on the last day, but they were still respectful and did their best to work through the boredom. I really shouldn't have worried, because felt is so exciting by itself, I didn't have to do much to make it fun, aside from kool-aid dyeing bright colors and encouraging creative ideas.

Below are some images of the projects students created throughout the week. I'm so proud of what they were able to accomplish in such a short amount of time!


  1. That looks like a whole lotta fun! When's the adult version coming along? ;)

  2. They did ask me about teaching a Night Lights class, for adults, but I don't think that would be until March! But we could have a class whenever you want, Carrie!
