Thursday, April 21, 2011

Would YOU hire me?

This is the resume I delivered yesterday to a papermaking studio here in town. My mind is a skipping record of “oh please oh please oh please” whenever I think about the possibility of working here. I don’t know about anyone else, but giddy is the only adequate word to describe how I feel when I see the deckled edges of a stack of handmade paper and tears well up when I see it letter pressed, I just love it all so much.

We’ll see. I know I shouldn’t let my hopes get too high, but I’m way beyond that.  Oh please oh please oh please!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Need a stamp?

I'm so excited! My custom stamps came in the mail today from The Paper Princess. I ordered a stamp of my website address to put on my shopping bags, bookplate text for the inside cover of my books, and a return address stamp. Her Majesty was kind enough to give me a discount on the 3 stamps, and I highly recommend her! The stamps came inside this super cute box, which I must admit was the deciding factor for my order! Thanks PP!